
LLMs Paper - Large Language Model for Vulnerability Detection

Large Language Model for Vulnerability Detection: Emerging Results and Future Directions

Acknowledgement. This research / project is supported by the National Research Foundation, under its Investigatorship Grant (NRF-NRFI08-2022-0002). Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not reflect the views of National Research Foundation, Singapore.


Previous learning-based vulnerability detection methods relied on either medium-sized pre-trained models or smaller neural networks from scratch.

Recent advancements in Large Pre-Trained Language Models (LLMs) have showcased remarkable few-shot learning capabilities in various tasks.

  • the effectiveness of LLMs in detecting software vulnerabilities is largely unexplored.
  • This paper aims to bridge this gap by exploring how LLMs perform with various prompts, particularly focusing on two state-of-the-art LLMs: GPT-3.5 and GPT-4.
  • Our experimental results showed that GPT-3.5 achieves competitive performance with the prior state-of-the-art vulnerability detection approach and GPT-4 consistently outperformed the state-of-the-art.


Software vulnerabilities are the prevalent issues in software systems, posing various risks such as the compromise of sensitive information 1 and system failures 2.

  • To address this challenge, researchers have proposed machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) approaches for identifying vulnerabilities in source code 3 4.

  • While previous ML/DL-based vulnerability detection approaches have demonstrated promising results, they have primarily relied on either medium-size pre-trained models such as CodeBERT 5 6 or training smaller neural networks from scratch (such as Graph Neural Networks 7).

Recent developments in Large Pre-Trained Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive few-shot learning capabilities across diverse tasks 8.

  • However, these studies predominantly focus on using LLMs for generation-based tasks.

    • LLMs are gradually starting to be used in software engineering (SE), as seen in automated program repair 8.
  • However, the performance of LLMs on security-oriented tasks, particularly vulnerability detection, remains largely unexplored.

    • It remains unclear whether LLMs can be effectively utilized in classification tasks and outperform the medium-size pre-trained models such as CodeBERT, specifically in the vulnerability detection task.

To fill in the research gaps, this paper investigates the effectiveness of LLMs in identifying vulnerable codes, i.e., a critical classification task within the domain of security.

  • the efficacy of LLMs heavily relies on the quality of prompts (task descriptions and other relevant information) provided to the model.

    • Thus, we explore and design diverse prompts to effectively apply LLMs for vulnerability detection.
  • We specifically studied two prominent state-of-the-art Large Language Models (LLMs): GPT-3.5 and GPT4, both serving as the foundational models for ChatGPT.

    • Our experimental results revealed that with appropriate prompts,
      • GPT3.5 achieves competitive performance with CodeBERT,
      • GPT-4 outperformed CodeBERT by 34.8% in terms of Accuracy.
    • In summary, our contributions are as follows:

      • We conduct experiments with diverse prompts for LLMs, encompassing task and role descriptions, project information, and examples from Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) and the training set. We recognize LLMs as promising models for vulnerability detection .

      • We pinpoint several promising future directions for leveraging LLMs in vulnerability detection, and we encourage the community to delve into these possibilities.


ChatGPT and In-Context Learning

LLMs models are commonly fine-tuned, updating all parameters to align with labeled training data. 9 10.

  • ChatGPT: built upon closed-source GPT-3.5 and GPT-4.
  • medium-size pre-trained models: CodeBERT and CodeT5.

  • Though very effective, fine-tuning demands large GPU resources to load and update all parameters of pre-trained models 11 12.

  • As large-size LLMs (e.g., ChatGPT) have a large number of parameters, it is very challenging to fine-tune them using GPU cards widely used in academia.

An alternative and widely adopted approach for large-size LLMs is in-context learning (ICL) 13 14.

  • ICL involves freezing the parameters of LLMs and utilizing suitable prompts to impart task-specific knowledge to the models.
  • Unlike fine-tuning, ICL requires no parameter update which significantly reduces the large GPU resource requirement .
  • To perform the inference/testing, ICL makes predictions based on the probability of generating the next token š‘” given the unlabeled data instance š‘„ and the prompt š‘ƒ. Then the output token š‘” is mapped into the prediction categories by the verbalizer (introduced below).

Prompt Basics

  • A prompt is a textual string that has two slots:

    1. an input slot $š‘‹$ for the original input data $š‘„$
    2. an answer slot $š‘$ for the predicted answer $š‘§$
  • The verbalizer $š‘‰$, is a function that maps the predicted answer $š‘§$ to a class $š‘¦Ė†$ in the target class set š‘Œ, formally $š‘‰ : š‘ ā†’ š‘Œ$

  • For instance, a straightforward prompt and verbalizer are shown as follows:

\[f_{\text{prompt}}(x) = \text{"Code is } [X]. \text{ It is } [Z]."\] \[V = \begin{cases} +, & \text{if } Z = \text{vulnerable} \\ -, & \text{if } Z = \text{non-vulnerable} \\ \end{cases}\]
  • where $š‘‰$ is the defined verbalizer where the token ā€œvulnerableā€ is mapped into the positive class.

  • ChatGPT may generate responses that differ from our predefined label words.

    • To simplify the process, we manually check the predicted classes of ChatGPTā€™s generated answers when they diverge from our specified label words.
    • For example, we map the answer ā€œit is vulnerable because ā€¦ā€ into the ā€œvulnerableā€ class.

Prompt Designs

OpenAI allows users to guide ChatGPT through two types of messages/prompts:

  1. the system message, influencing ChatGPTā€™s overall behaviors such as adjusting the personality of ChatGPT
  2. the user message, containing requests for ChatGPT to address and respond to.

Table 1 shows our designed prompts (the base prompt + several augmentations).

Screenshot 2024-05-02 at 11.25.16

We use an empty system message and user messages that are listed as prompts in Table 1.

  • Initially, we designed a straightforward prompt (P): ā€œNow you need to identify whether a method contains a vulnerability or not.ā€ as the base prompt. This base prompt only briefly describes the task we want LLMs to do.
  • To provide LLMs with more valuable task-specific information, we propose diverse augmentations (A*) to the base prompt, including the following:

    • Role Description (A1): We explicitly defined the role of LLMs in this task: ā€œYou are an experienced developer who knows the security vulnerability very wellā€. This strategy aims to remind LLMs to change their working mode to a security-related one.
    • Project Information (A2): Recently, Li et al. 15 propose the stateof-the-art LLM for code namely StarCoder. adding the filename in the prompts can substantially improve the effectiveness of StarCoder. We followed them to provide LLMs with the project names and filenames associated with the target code.

    • External Source Knowledge (A3): The CWE system offers a wealth of information about software vulnerabilities such as code examples of typical vulnerable code. Leveraging such resources could possibly enhance the prompt generation process for vulnerability detection tasks. In this study, we collected the vulnerable code examples that represent the top 25 most dangerous Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) types identified in the year 2022 16. These examples showcase the characteristics and patterns of vulnerabilities, equipping LLMs with valuable insights. This allows us to extend the modelā€™s knowledge beyond the limitations of the training data by leveraging external sources, specifically the CWE system.

    • Knowledge in the Training Set (A4): The training data encompasses valuable task-specific knowledge pertinent to a given task. However, we can only accommodate a limited number of input-output samples because ChatGPT has a maximum token limit of 4,096. In this strategy, we randomly select K samples from the training data to leverage the knowledge embedded within the training dataset. Vulnerable/non-vulnerable samples are both used in this strategy.

    • Selective Knowledge in the Training Set (A5):
      • In contrast to the aforementioned strategy, we adopted a different approach by retrieving the top K most similar methods from the training data, instead of randomly sampling.
        • These retrieved methods ę£€ē“¢ę–¹ę³• served as examples to furnish LLMs with pertinent knowledge, aiding their decisionmaking process when evaluating the test data.
        • To perform the retrieval process, we employed CodeBERT 6 to transform the code snippets into semantic vectors.
        • Subsequently, we quantified the similarity between two code snippets by calculating the cosine similarity of their respective semantic vectors.
      • For a given test code, we retrieved the top K similar methods along with their corresponding vulnerability labels from the training data.


The research question: How effective is ChatGPT with different prompt designs in vulnerability detection compared to baselines?

Dataset and Model

  • We use the vulnerability-fixing commit dataset recently collected by Pan et al. 17.

    • To get the vulnerable functions from vulnerability-fixing commits, we followed Fan et al. 18 to

      • first collect software versions prior to a vulnerability-fixing commit
      • and then labeled functions with lines changed in a patch as vulnerable .
    • All remaining functions in a file touched by a commit were regarded as non-vulnerable.

  • As the security patches dataset covers a large number of software repositories implemented in diverse programming languages, it is challenging to write all the corresponding parsers (used to split functions from files ) for all languages.

    • Thus, in this preliminary evaluation, we only focus on software repositories implemented in C/C++.
  • To build test set,

    • we first randomly sampled 20 open-source software repositories implemented in C/C++ from the original test set 17 and used their vulnerability fixes to get the vulnerable functions (positive samples) for our test set.

      • we limited our sampling to 20 repositories due to the considerable cost 19 associated with querying ChatGPT on a large test set,
    • Despite the restricted sample size, our preliminary experiment was designed to showcase the potential of ChatGPT.

  • For training/validation sets,

    • we used all the vulnerability fixes of the C/C++ repositories in the original training/validation sets and extracted vulnerable functions (positive samples) .
  • To obtain negative samples (non-vulnerable functions), for the test/training/validation sets, we employed a random sampling technique.

    • For each vulnerable function, we selected one function at random from non-vulnerable functions that were extracted from the same file as the vulnerable function.
    • Different from the vulnerable function, those non-vulnerable functions had not been modified by the vulnerability fixing commit.
  • Finally, our dataset has

    • 7,683 methods in the training sets.
    • 853 methods in the validation sets.
    • 368 methods in the test sets.
  • For studied models, we primarily focused our investigation on ChatGPT (GPT-3.5) with the model name gpt-3.5-turbo while also doing limited experiments on ChatGPT (GPT-4).
  • For the baseline model, we opted for one of the state-of-the-art approaches (i.e., CodeBERT) according to a recent comprehensive empirical study 20.


To measure the modelā€™s effectiveness, we adopted widely used evaluation metrics, i.e., Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1, and F0.5 .

  • We incorporated the F0.5 metric, which assigns greater importance to precision than to recall.
  • This choice is motivated by the developersā€™ aversion to false positives, as a low success rate may diminish their patience and confidence in the system 21.

  • As the ICL method exhibits some instability äøēØ³å®šę€§, in this preliminary work, we repeated experiments twice and reported the average results .


  • The performance of GPT-3.5 in vulnerability detection was evaluated by integrating different prompts, and the results are summarized in Table 2.

  • Experimental results revealed that the base prompt yielded unsatisfactory outcomes, with GPT-3.5 predicting every target code as non-vulnerable, resulting in an accuracy of 50% and a recall of 0%.

  • The inclusion of role descriptions and project information did not contribute to better performance .

  • However, incorporating examples from external source knowledge led to substantial performance improvements (18.2% in Accuracy). (specifically the 25 most dangerous CWE types)

  • Furthermore, the utilization of random sampling codes from the training data and retrieving similar codes also resulted in significantly better performance (up to 22.8% and 19.6% in Accuracy) compared to the base prompt.

  • Among all the prompt combinations studied,

    • the P+A5 combination achieved the highest F1 score (54.0%) and Recall (47.2%),
    • the P+A4+A5 combination achieved the best F0.5 (62.8%) score and Accuracy (62.7%).
    • the P+A4+A5 combination outperforms the base prompt P by 25.4% in Accuracy.

Screenshot 2024-05-02 at 22.04.14

  • When comparing GPT-3.5 to the state-of-the-art approach,

    • GPT-3.5 (P+A4+A5) outperformed CodeBERT by 4.0%, 22.5%, and 4.5% in terms of Accuracy, Precision, and F0.5, respectively.

    • However, GPT-3.5 underperformed CodeBERT by 44.8% and 15.3% in Recall and F1.

  • These experimental results highlight the distinct strengths of CodeBERT and GPT-3.5.

    • GPT-3.5 demonstrates significantly higher Precision scores, indicating its proficiency in minimizing false positives.
    • CodeBERT showcases a much higher Recall score, signifying its capability to identify a greater number of vulnerabilities.
    • Overall, GPT-3.5 demonstrates competitive performance when compared to the fine-tuned CodeBERT.
  • GPT4 is accompanied by a considerably higher cost.

    • Due to the high costs, in this preliminary evaluation, we only evaluate GPT-4 in the first half of the test set.
    • To assess its performance, we employed four different prompts:
      • the base prompt (P),
      • the external source knowledge prompt P+A3,
      • the prompt P+A5 which obtained the second best F1 for GPT-3.5,
      • and the prompt P+A4+A5 which obtained the best F1 for GPT-3.5.
    • As illustrated in Table 3, GPT-4 with the prompt P+A3 significantly outperformed the finetuned CodeBERT by 34.8% in terms of accuracy.

Screenshot 2024-05-02 at 22.08.14


One concern arises due to the possibility of data leakage in ChatGPT.

  • The dataset used in our evaluation may overlap with the data used for training ChatGPT .

    • ChatGPT is a closed source model, we lack the validate whether such an overlap exists.
  • the equal data ratio between vulnerable and non-vulnerable functions in the test set .

    • We create a balanced test set to alleviate costs linked to ChatGPT usage, given that the expenses of these experiments rise in proportion to the number of test samples, particularly with a large number of non-vulnerable functions.

    • However, the equal data ratio does not realistically represent the actual problem of vulnerability prediction where the vulnerable code is the minority in software systems.

    • Besides, this data ratio will lead to inflated metrics in this study.

    • We recognize this issue as a limitation of the preliminary study, and in our future work, we aim to develop a new test set that accurately reflects the real-world data ratio between vulnerable and non-vulnerable functions.

  • label functions with lines changed in a vulnerability-fixing commit as vulnerable


    • This labeling heuristic åÆ发式 may overestimate the actual number of vulnerable functions due to the commit tangling, where some changed functions in the vulnerability-fixing commit may not be directly relevant to addressing the vulnerability.

    • We recognize the challenge of accurately identifying real vulnerabilityrelated functions in the vulnerability-fixing commit. In our future work, we aim to employ existing techniques (e.g., 22) to untangle the vulnerability-fixing commits.

  • We are unable to find vulnerability detection work using GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 in the academic literature. However, there are several related studies in the gray (non-peer-reviewed) literature.

  • For example, BurpGPT 23 integrates ChatGPT with the Burp Suite 24 to detect vulnerabilities in web applications.

  • In contrast, the software studied in our study is not confined to a specific domain.

  • Also, vuln_GPT, an LLM designed to discover and address software vulnerabilities, was introduced recently 25. Different from 25, our study focuses on improving prompts for vulnerability detection.

  • A parallel work 26 also explores the use of ChatGPT in vulnerability detection. They mainly enhance prompts through structural and sequential auxiliary information. Three distinctions of our work from 26 are:

    1. We also studied GPT-4 while they did not;
    2. We integrate knowledge from the CWE system and similar samples from the training set to enhance prompts, a dimension not considered in 26;
    3. We identified promising future study directions which are not thoroughly discussed in 26.


  • There are plenty of exciting paths to explore in future research. Here, weā€™re just highlighting a few of these potential directions:

Local and Specialized LLMs-based Vulnerability Detection

  • This study focuses on ChatGPT. However, ChatGPT requires data to be sent to third-party services. This may restrict the utilization of ChatGPT-related vulnerability detection tools among specific organizations, such as major tech corporations or governments. These organizations, e.g., 27 28 29, regard their source code as proprietary, sensitive, or classified material, and as a result, they are unable to transmit or share it with third-party services. Additionally, ChatGPT models are not specialized for vulnerability detection and thus may not take full advantage of the rich open-source vulnerability data .

  • To address the above-mentioned limitations, in the future, we aim to propose a local and specialized LLM solution for vulnerability detection. The solution will build upon general-purpose and open-source code LLMs, e.g., Llama 30, which will be tuned for vulnerability detection with the relevant vulnerability corpus. The tuned LLM can alleviate the concerns of organizations that prioritize data security and privacy while also making use of the abundant open-source vulnerability data .

Precision and Robustness Boost in Vulnerability Detection

  • A vulnerability detection solution with a high precision ē²¾ē”® is usually preferred.

    • Additionally, the solution needs to remain robust against data perturbations or adversarial attacks.
    • With higher precision, developers will have greater confidence in the reliability of detections and consequently perform the requisite actions to address the detected vulnerabilities.
  • With higher robustness ēØ³å„ę€§, a more secure and stable vulnerability detection model can be produced, and be more immune to adversarial attacks.

  • In the future, we plan to boost LLMsā€™ precision and robustness in this task:

      1. To improve precision, we plan to employ ensemble learning, a promising technique to improve the precision (and possibly recall) by identifying the common high-confidence predictions among different models.
      1. To improve robustness, we plan to extend an existing work 31 that employs a single adversarial transformation (renaming of variables) to enhance model robustness . We will delve into various other types of adversarial transformations and assess their effectiveness in enhancing the robustness of LLMs.

Enhancing Effectiveness in Long-Tailed Distribution

  • In this study, we formulate the task as a binary classification (vulnerable or non-vulnerable).

  • Moving one step further, developers may require the tool to indicate the specific vulnerability type (e.g., CWE types) associated with the detected vulnerable code . This additional information is crucial for a better understanding and resolution of the vulnerability.

  • However, a recent study 32 revealed that vulnerability data exhibit a long-tailed distribution in terms of CWE types:

    • a small number of CWE types have a substantial number of samples,
    • while numerous CWE types have very few samples.
    • The study also pointed out that LLMs struggle to effectively handle vulnerabilities in these less common types. This long-tailed distribution could pose a challenge for LLMs-based vulnerability detection solutions.
  • In the future, we plan to

    1. explore whether LLMs, specifically ChatGPT, can effectively detect these infrequent vulnerabilities or not and
    2. propose a solution (e.g., generating more samples for the less common types via data augmentation) to address the impact of the long-tailed distribution of vulnerability data.

Trust and Synergy with Developers

  • AI-powered solutions for vulnerability detection, including this work, have limited interaction with developers. They may face challenges in establishing trust and synergy with developers during practical use.

  • To overcome this, future works should investigate more effective strategies to foster trust and collaboration between developers and AIpowered solutions 33. By nurturing trust and synergy, AI-powered solutions may evolve into smart workmates to better assist developers.


In this study, we explored the efficacy and potential of LLMs (i.e., ChatGPT) in vulnerability detection. We proposed some insightful prompt enhancements such as incorporating the external knowledge and choosing valuable samples from the training set. We also identified many promising directions for future study. We made our replication package1 publicly available for future studies.


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