
Linux - Install NFS in CentOS8



Assignment under:

LFCE: Advanced Network and System Administration / Configuring and Managing NFS - LFCEbyPluralsight

NFS file permission

UID and GID overlap:

  • configuration file specific the user machine, lack scalability.
  • central authentication server


  • dafult for NFS.
  • UID/GID model


  • base on kerberos.
  • authorize both the user and the system.
  • requirement: configuration need to be setup
    • kerneros key distribution center (KDC) installed
    • host and service principals added for client and server.
    • create a add key-tabs on client and server.
    • change the authentication mechanisms on NFS client and server to use.
      • sec=krb5, krb5i, krb5p


Install Kerberos Authentication in Centos 8


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