
Palo Alto Networks - Prisma Cloud - 8


Prisma Cloud - Troubleshooting and Support

Overview of Troubleshooting and Support

Troubleshooting Scenarios

Prisma Cloud will scale as necessary to support an enterprise’s cloud threat defense.


  • Onboarding public cloud accounts into Prisma Cloud


  • Using Prisma Cloud to monitor those accounts for security violations and standards compliance


  • Investigating violation and compliance issues as they occur

Prisma Cloud Troubleshooting Support

  • Administrators should be aware of common Prisma Cloud issues they may encounter, as well as where they can go to get help if support from Palo Alto Networks is needed.
  • Common issues
    • Common issues may involve alerts not being triggered, the use of RQL to investigate security and compliance issues.
  • Monitoring deployments
    • AWS value-added services, Amazon GuardDuty and Amazon Inspector, can be used to augment the monitoring of your AWS public cloud deployments.
    • Data from these services can be ingested into Prisma Cloud.

Demo: Using Amazon GuardDuty

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Demo: Using Amazon Inspector

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Troubleshooting Common Issues

In Prisma Cloud, a common issue is that alerts are not being generated when you first onboard your public cloud accounts.

Common Onboarding Issues

  • Issues with onboarding
    • These include issues with connecting to the cloud account, and ingesting resource and vulnerability data.
  • Issues with alert generation
    • In order to generate alerts, you must include your cloud accounts in an alert rule, and verify that the policies associated with the alert rule are enabled.
  • Issues with RQL queries
    • These can be caused by focusing the query on the wrong type of resource, or the fact that resources in a public cloud infrastructure can be ephemeral in nature and the resources may be deleted or terminated when we submit the query.

Demo: Troubleshoot Onboarding Issues

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Demo: Troubleshoot Alert Issues

alert > alert rules > target > select policy > alert notification

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Demo: Troubleshoot RQL Query Issues

investigate > RQL

no data or 3-party integrate tools

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Getting Help in Prisma Cloud

Prisma Cloud Help Resources

  • The Quick Start Checklist
    • These are embedded online tutorials to help get you started with Prisma Cloud.
  • The Help Center
    • This includes links to TechDOCS and the Prisma Cloud Live Community page, along with What’s new information on recently released Prisma Cloud platform features.

Demo: Access Online Help in Prisma Cloud

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Demo: Create a Help Ticket in Prisma Cloud

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Which two steps can be followed to verify that Amazon GuardDuty and Inspector logs are being ingested? (Choose two.)

  • Navigate to Settings, select Cloud Accounts, select the account, and click Status.
  • Navigate to Investigate and perform an RQL query for GuardDuty or Inspector data.

Which two options show possible causes for an RQL query not returning data? (Choose two.)

  • An attribute of the RQL query may limit the scope of the search.
  • Resources may have been deleted from the cloud account.

Which step is required to create a support ticket in Prisma Cloud?

  • From the Help Center, select Other resources, select Get help, and then select Create a Support Case Now.

Which permission group is used to provide read-only access to Prisma Cloud?

  • Account Group Read Only

Which two methods are used to access the Compute Console? 5245097

  • Prisma Cloud Enterprise Edition.
  • Prisma Cloud Compute Edition

Which two requirements does an alert rule need to generate alerts? (Choose two)

  • one or more Account Groups + Policies

Which two requirements does a new alert rule need to support Automated Remediation (Choose two)?

  • Automated Remediation is enabled for the Alert Rule.
  • The policies in the alert rule include the required CLI commands for remediation.

Which two methods can be used to resolve alerts? (Choose two)

  • automatically by configuring Automated Remediation in the alert rule
  • accessing the public cloud account and executing the necessary CLI commands

Prisma Cloud supports the downloading of compliance reports.

  • True

Alerts can be forwarded to third-party integrations in Prisma Cloud

  • True

use an RQL Query expression to create a custom policy.

  • True

Which Dashboard information verifies that Prisma Cloud is ingesting data? 5245097

  • number of Resources

Which two platforms support outbound integration? (Choose two)

  • “Splunk, Jira”

Prisma Cloud by default and with no initial setup always will generate alerts.

  • False

view your public cloud resources in the Dashboard.

  • True

the requirement for most API endpoint requests in Prisma Cloud?

  • authentication token returned by the login API call

Prisma Cloud resides in the public cloud.

  • True

Alerts can be in which two states? (Choose two)

  • Dismissed + Resolved

Prisma Cloud provides support for which two compliance standards? (Choose two)


If no alerts are being triggered in Prisma Cloud, what most likely is the problem?

  • Account Groups are not included in an alert rule.

Prisma Cloud can access the data generated by Amazon GuardDuty and Inspector

  • True

Compute Console can monitor and protect which two types of resources?

  • Containers + Hosts

RQL supports which two query types?

  • Config + Network

Compute Console can be used to deploy Cloud Native firewalls?

  • True

Prisma Cloud provides support for onboarding which public cloud providers?

  • Google Cloud Platform

Which alert type does not use RQL?

  • Anomaly

What does Prisma Cloud technical support recommend as the best way to get support?

  • From the Prisma LIVE Community page click Create a Support Case Now.



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