
Palo Alto Networks - Prisma Remediating Security Issues


Remediating Security Issues

Remediation Core Concepts

In Prisma Cloud, an alert occurs when an alert rule has been configured that enforces one or more policies and for one or more account groups.

Resolving Open Alerts

  • Resources in the targeted environment that are in violation of any policy in the alert rule will trigger the alert.
  • Once the alert is asserted, open alerts can be resolved in one of three ways.
  • Manual Remediation
    • log in to public cloud account directly and reconfigure the resource so that it is no longer in violation of the policy.
    • applies to all alert types and not just to config alerts.
    • It provides the steps to remediate the policy violation from cloud account console.
    • Note that no CLI command is provided for it.
  • Automatic Remediation
    • allow Prisma Cloud to automatically remediate the security violation.
    • Auto-remediation needs to be enabled.
    • It applies only to some config policies.
    • Note that Prisma Cloud requires write permissions for the cloud account.
  • Guided Remediation
    • invoke the required CLI from within Prisma Cloud.
    • the CLI command is displayed but not automatically executed,
    • the user needs to manually invoke the steps to execute the CLI command.
    • It applies only to some config policies.

Remediation Core Concepts

  • the requirements for auto-remediation.
  • Read and Write Permissions
    • Prisma Cloud does require read and write permissions to perform remediation.
    • read-only permissions: monitor or scan public clouds and gather the information and data regarding those public account.
    • read-write permissions: invoke remediation from the Prisma Cloud.
  • Rapid Response
    • To facilitate rapid incident response,
    • Prisma Cloud allows remediation of cloud security alerts in cloud environments using CLI commands.
    • Prisma Cloud allows automatic remediation of Prisma Cloud System Default policies.
    • When the alert is asserted, Prisma Cloud automatically accesses public cloud account and executes the CLI commands necessary to resolve the issue.
  • Remediation CLI Commands
    • prisma Cloud provides the CLI commands for Prisma Cloud system default policies that have a remediation CLI commands associated with them.
    • Not all policies are applicable for CLI command remediation.
    • The CLI description has the necessary permission listed.
    • may need to make sure the Prisma Cloud application has these necessary additional privileges.

Public Cloud Account Requirements

  • Administrators need to give Prisma Cloud write permissions for some resources to leverage the auto-remediation feature.
  • AWS: Write permissions IAM role
    • To leverage the auto-remediation feature and enable Prisma Cloud to automatically resolve alerts generated due to policy violations, need to give Prisma Cloud write permissions for some resources.
    • In AWS, create an IAM role, which is an entity that includes permissions but that isn’t associated with a specific user.
    • Users from other accounts can then use that role and access resources according to the permissions.
    • do this in the AWS environment by using a CloudFormation template to easily create a read and write permission role to be used by Prisma Cloud.
  • Azure: Storage Account Contributor role
    • For auto-remediation of Azure policies, the Prisma Cloud application must have a storage account contributor role at the subscription level.
    • This role only is needed for auto-remediation.
    • The action supported for this role allows to manage resources.
  • GCP: Compute Security Admin role
    • In the GCP environment, can grant permissions by granting roles to a user, a group, or a service account.
    • The compute.securityAdmin role is required for auto-remediation.
    • This allows the role to create, modify, and delete firewall rules along with other security-related configuration changes.

Demo: Policies that Support Remediation

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Manual Remediation


Guided Remediation

In Prisma Cloud, can perform guided remediation to resolve an alert. This can be performed on policies that have the built-in remediation option.

Guided Remediation

  • In Prisma Cloud, all open alerts are displayed by default in the Alerts Overview page.
  • This page displays all the associated information about the alerts.
  • Open alerts are displayed in the Alerts Overview page.
  • Some alerts are triggered by policy violations that have built-in remediation options.
  • There is an option to filter open alerts on remediable is true.
  • Remediable alerts are tagged with a green check mark icon next to the policy name.

Demo: Guided Remediation

alert > violating resource > audit trail

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Alert Rules Configured for Auto-Remediation

In order to invoke auto-remediation, policies that are configured for remediation also need to be incorporated into an alert rule.

Alert Rules for Auto-Remediation Overview

  • To enable automated remediation, identify the set of policies that want to remediate automatically and verify that Prisma Cloud has the required permissions in the associated cloud environments.
  • Write Access
    • need write access to the cloud services to execute the remediation CLI commands.
  • Resolution
    • After remediation has been applied to the violating resource, the alert should be resolved and therefore not reappear after the next scan of the cloud accounts.
  • Auto-Remediation
    • Prisma Cloud honors alert rules that have auto-remediation turned on.
    • These alerts will be auto-resolved.

Demo: Alert Rule Support for Auto-Remediation

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Add Remediation to a Policy - Custom Policies

When create a new custom policy in Prisma Cloud, configure the remediation steps or commands necessary to resolve policy violations.

Adding Remediation

  • to create remediation commands. Prisma Cloud will need write access to the necessary cloud services to execute the remediation commands.

Custom Policies

  • Remediation Steps
    • Administrators can configure the remediation steps or commands necessary to resolve policy violations.
  • CLI Commands
    • Only Prisma Cloud system admins can specify CLI commands and CLI command descriptions.

Remediation Commands

  • resourceid: Identification of the resource on which the alert is generated
  • resourcename: Name of the resource on which alert is generated
  • account: Account ID of the cloud account in Prisma Cloud
  • region: Name of the cloud region the resource belongs to

Demo: Create a Remediable Custom Poli

policy > new policy > config:

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Knowledge Check

CLI commands that are copied to the clipboard can be used in which two ways? (Choose two.)

  • They can be manually executed at the command line for the cloud account to resolve the security violation
  • They can be used to define a new policy that includes remediation

Which two requirements are needed for automatic remediation? (Choose two.)

  • Alert rule that includes a policy that supports remediation
  • Policy that incorporates CLI commands that can remediate a policy violation

Which action resolves an alert?

  • When the user clicks the Remediate button for an open alert


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