
Palo Alto Networks - Prisma Investigating Alerts with RQL


Investigating Alerts with RQL

Prisma Cloud helps visualize entire cloud infrastructure and provides insights into security and compliance risks and provides you with a proprietary query language called RQL, Resource Query Language

RQL Core Concepts

Prisma Cloud helps connect the dots between configuration, user activity, and network traffic data, to have the context necessary to define appropriate policies and create alert rules.

Insights of RQL

  • structured query language
  • to discover, detect, and respond to security incidents in cloud environment.
  • easy to use and extensible.
  • Helps administrators visualize their entire cloud infrastructure and provides insights into security and compliance risks
  • Connects configuration, user activity, and network traffic data to define appropriate policies and create alert rules

Types of RQL Constructs

  • Config queries
    • resource configurations and vulnerabilities in the cloud environment.
  • Event queries
    • search and audit console and API access events in the cloud environment.
  • Network queries
    • monitor network traffic to and from assets deployed in the cloud environment, to find previously unidentified network security risks.

The query syntax includes two main elements:

  • Query type and Filter.
  • The filter incorporates the API that was used to ingest the JSON attribute that defines the resource or event.
    • Combining Filters
      • combine more than one filter or attribute using AND and OR.
    • Using Operators
      • use = , > , < , IN, and others
    • Using the JSON Rule Attribute
      • Use the json.rule attribute to query or filter specific elements included in the JSON document.
      • config where cloud.type = 'aws' AND = 'aws-cloudfront-list-distributions' AND json.rule = "viewerCertificate.certificateSource CONTAINS cloudfront"


Demo: Prisma Cloud Investigate

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Config Query

Prisma Cloud ingests various services and associated configuration data from AWS, Azure, GCP, and Alibaba cloud services.

Features of Config Queries

  • Retrieve
    • Retrieve resource information and identify misconfigurations
  • Gain
    • Gain operational insights
  • Identify
    • Identify policy and compliance violations

Config Query Options

  • select “config where” for query, number of choices available:
    • Cloud APIs are integral to the cloud platform.
    • to identify a specific configuration aspect of the resource.
  • cloud.type
    • to narrow queries to a cloud type
  • cloud.service
    • to narrow queries to a cloud service
  • cloud.account
    • to specify one or more cloud accounts
  • cloud.region
    • to narrow the cloud region
  • finding.severity and finding.type
    • to identify host related security findings.
    • This option requires data that is ingested from third-party platforms that have been integrated with Prisma Cloud.
  • json.rule
    • The json.rule is applied with an operator.
    • Examples of operators include greater than, equals, does not equal, contains, and exist.
    • JOIN: search against multiple resource types (up to three).
    • Up to three API calls are included in a query.
    • ADDCOLUMN: dynamically display columns for the config query results that are displayed on screen.
  • Functions
    • performs a calculation on specific data that matches the clause contained in the function.
    • Examples of functions include _DateTime.ageInDays, _IPAddress.inRange, and _Port.inRange.

Demo: RQL Config Query

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Demo: Investigate Config Query Resources

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Event Query

Event queries can be used to determine all root user activity without MFA, look for stolen access keys, and find account compromises.

Features of Event Queries

  • Investigate
    • Detects and investigates console and API access
  • Monitor
    • Monitors and gains insight into privileged activities
  • Detect
    • Detects account compromise and unusual user behavior in the cloud environment

Event Query Options

  • cloud.account, cloud.region, cloud.service, cloud.type
    • narrow the scope of the query
  • crud
    • to search for users or entities who performed create, read, update, or delete operations.
  • ip
    • to specify an IP address
  • json.rule
    • to specify a json rule in the query
  • operation
    • action performed by users on resources.
    • If an operation is specified, Prisma Cloud will offer a list of matches to the operation criteria.
  • user or role
    • to identify a specific user or users
  • Anomaly.type

Demo: RQL Event Query

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Network Query

Network queries can be used to discover network security risks and is currently supported only for AWS, Azure, and GCP cloud accounts.

Features of Network Queries

  • Environment
    • Customers can query network events in their cloud environments.
  • Detect
    • detect internet exposures and potential data exfiltration attempts
  • Discover
    • discover network traffic patterns and security risks.

this query type does not have or json.rule as attributes.

Network Query Attributes

  • Bytes, accepted.bytes, response.bytes, packets
  • Dest.ip / port / publicnetwork / resource / state / country
  • Source.ip / publicnetwork / resource / state / country
  • IN resource where finding.severity, finding.type, finding.source,,, role
  • Host vulnerability data from third party feeds:
    • Qualys
    • Tenable
    • AWS GuardDuty
    • AWS Inspector
  • Protocol
  • Tag

Demo: RQL Network Query

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Demo: Investigate Network Query Resources

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Advanced RQL Queries

Operators with JSON Arrays

  • Operator ? opens the array.
  • Operator @ represents the current item being processed.


  • examine a particular block in the JSON object so that you are matching only that block and no others:
  • config where'aws-ec2-describe-security-groups' AND json.rule='ipPermissions[?(@.fromPort==0)].ipRanges[*] contains'

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  • Use JOINs to get configuration data from two different APIs by combining two different conditions.
  • Use JOINs for two different APIs
    • to get configuration data from two different APIs by combining two different conditions:
    • config where".." as X; config where"..." as Y; filter "$.X... <operator> $.Y"; show (X;|Y;)
  • List EC2 instances as X
    • config where = 'aws-ec2-describe-instances' as X;
  • List subnets as Y
    • config where = 'aws-ec2-describe-subnets' as Y;
  • Set the filter
    • filter '$.X.subnetId == $.Y.subnetId and $.Y.mapPublicIpOnLaunch is true'; show X;
  • List instances in subnets that have public IPs auto-assigned to them
    • config where = 'aws-ec2-describe-instances' as X; config where = 'aws-ec2-describe-subnets' as Y; filter '$.X.subnetId == $.X.subnetId and $.Y.mapPublicIpOnLaunch is true'; show X;
  • JSON for the subnetId
    • You can display the Y results for the query and then open the JSON config for a subnet resource listed in the results table:
    • config where = 'aws-ec2-describe-instances' as X; config where = 'aws-ec2-describe-subnets' as Y; filter '$.X.subnetId == $.X.subnetId and $.Y.mapPublicIpOnLaunch is true'; show Y;

Custom Policy

create new policies using RQL queries that you develop.

  • create a custom policy and also use a saved search query in the custom policy.
  • RQL can be used to investigate issues as they occur.
  • The queries that are developed in the investigations can be saved.
  • Saved queries can also be used to develop new custom policies.

Demo: RQL Saved Query

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Investigate from Alerts

investigate a security policy violation from the Alerts page.

Investigation Methods

  • to initiate an investigation of a security incident in Prisma Cloud.
  • Use RQL queries from the Investigate page
  • Launch an investigation from the Alert details page

Demo: Investigate from Alerts

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Knowledge Check

Which two types of queries does RQL support? (Choose two.)

  • Audit event
  • Network

A config query can start with which two expressions? (Choose two.)

  • config where cloud.region =
  • config where =

Which option shows how to use an alert to investigate a resource with RQL?

  • Click the alert, hover on the Resource Name, and click the Investigate button.


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