
Palo Alto Networks - Prisma Onboarding and Initial Setup


Onboarding and Initial Setup

Prisma Cloud Overview

Prisma Cloud

  • a cloud infrastructure security solution
  • a Security Operations Center (SOC) enablement tool
  • to address risks and secure workloads in a heterogeneous environment (hybrid and multi-cloud) from a single console.

Cloud Security Posture Management with Prisma Cloud

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  1. Comprehensive Cloud Configuration Management Database
    1. provide a comprehensive cloud Configuration Management Database, the data needed for compliance reporting and to address compliance violations, threat detection and response, and data security.
  2. Integration With Third-Party Applications
    1. can also integrate with additional third-party applications for outbound alert notifications,
    2. such as Splunk, Jira, and many others.
  3. Visibility, Detection, and Response
    1. a cloud native security platform
    2. provides visibility, detection, and response to security threats to public cloud accounts.
  4. Data Collection and Aggregation
    1. It accomplishes this through data collection from the cloud accounts and aggregation of that data.
  5. Deployment and Tracking
    1. dynamically discovers resources that are deployed in the cloud,
    2. and tracks historical changes to those resources for auditing and forensics purposes.
  6. Ingestion Through APIs
    1. Resource configurations, user activity, network traffic logs, and host activity and vulnerabilities data is ingested into Prisma Cloud though the public cloud APIs.
  7. Supported Cloud Platforms
    1. Prisma Cloud currently supports Amazon Web Services, Alibaba Cloud, Azure, and Google Cloud.
    2. Third-Party Feeds
      1. There is also support for the ingest of data from third-party platforms
      2. such as Tenable and Qualys.

Prisma Cloud Compute

  • Twistlock is now branded Prisma Cloud Compute.
  • Prisma Cloud Compute can be deployed in one of two ways.
    • SaaS Version
      • Prisma Cloud Compute has been integrated into the Prisma Cloud SaaS security platform
      • accessible through the Compute tab</kbd>.
    • Self-Hosted Software
      • Prisma Cloud Compute Edition can be deployed as a self-hosted application.

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  • sys admin

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Onboarding Public Cloud Accounts

Prisma Cloud administrators can use the cloud account onboarding with all supported cloud platforms: AWS, Alibaba Cloud, Azure, and Google Cloud.

requirements for each cloud provider.

AWS requirements

  1. Create a Prisma Cloud read-only custom role in AWS to be used to connect to AWS environment.
    1. Read-write permissions are required to monitor and protect account through auto-remediation of policy violations.
    2. to allow/authenticate Prisma Cloud to make the required API calls to cloud account for collecting the metadata for cloud resources.
  2. CloudFormation templates are available to automate the process of creating the custom role required to add AWS account to Prisma Cloud.
  3. to ingest network traffic data from cloud account.
    1. Configure VPC Flow Logs to monitor network traffic. Make sure the filter setting is configured for all.
    2. Configure the VPCs to send Flow Log data to CloudWatch so that it can be ingested by Prisma Cloud.
      1. need to Enable trust relationship so that the IAM role can access the CloudWatch Log group.
  4. Verify that CloudTrail is enabled (typically enabled by default).
    1. CloudTrail is required for ingesting user and event data from AWS cloud account.
  5. On the Prisma Cloud console, enter two pieces of information:
    1. The External ID: defined when the role is created. Services > IAM > Roles > Trust Relationships > Conditions.
    2. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the role. Services > IAM > Roles > Trust Relationships.

AWS Public Cloud—AWS account and AWS Organization, master account Read-Only Read-Write (Limited)

For member accounts within AWS Organizations Read-Only For member accounts within AWS Organizations Read-Write (Limited)

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Azure requirements

Collect Azure subscription information, which includes and Subscription ID and Azure Active Directory ID or Tenant ID. Setup access control for the Prisma Cloud service. Register the Prisma Cloud service in Azure by adding the Prisma Cloud application to the Azure Active Directory. Grant permissions to the Prisma Cloud application. enable permissions to monitor (read-only permission), or to monitor and protect (read-write permission). Configure the Azure Network Security Groups Flow Logs and assign a storage account to enable Flow Log ingestion.

GCP requirements

In GCP account, create a custom role such as Prisma cloud viewer. Create a service account and generate the required security keys. The service account should include the getACL permission for read access. For auto-remediation, or to write to the gcp account, computer security admin permission is required. Verify that the Compute Engine API along with additional APIs is defined in the documentation. Associate the service account with the GCP project that you want to monitor. Prisma Cloud also supports onboarding multiple GCP projects or an entire organization in a single operation.

Alibaba requirementsAlibaba

Permissions Custom Policy vs. System Policy Create RAM Role Enter Prisma Cloud Account ID Obtain the Alibaba Cloud Resource Name (ARN)

Validating Cloud Permissions

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delete Public Cloud Accounts

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