
BigData - MongoDB Projects



BigData - MongoDB Projects


  • MongoDB Inc offers an amazing database technology that is utilized mainly for storing data in key-value pairs.

  • It proposes a simple NoSQL model for storing vast data types, including string, geospatial, binary, arrays, etc.

  • Such flexibility offered by MongoDB enables developers to utilize it as a user-friendly file-sharing system if and when they wish to share the stored data.

  • Top companies in the industry utilize MongoDB, for example, eBay, Zendesk, Twitter, UIDIA, etc., to achieve scalability in their web applications and cloud management at a massive scale.

  • It is highly applicable in various use cases across several industries for E-commerce product cataloging, managing content, spatial querying, and several others. Getting acquainted with MongoDB will give you insights into how non-relational databases can be used for advanced web applications, like the ones offered by traditional relational databases.

  • Generally, relational databases offer advanced analytics and integrations because of their SQL support for structured data. But, if you want to work without SQL-based structures and still avail all advanced database functions, MongoDB is a great NoSQL database that is several times faster than traditional relational databases. The underlying model is the crucial conceptual difference between MongoDB and other SQL databases. MongoDB stores data in collections of JSON documents in a human-readable format.

  • MongoDB offers several advantageous features to store your data. This data can be accessed and analyzed via several clients supported by MongoDB. Apart from its own MongoDB Atlas, MongoDB Charts, and MongoDB Compass, the database server offers seamless compatibility with many operating systems like Linux, Windows, and macOS. It is also compatible with IDEs like Studio3T, JetBrains (DataGrip), and VS Code.

  • You can establish connections between the MongoDB database and its clients via a programming language of your choice. MongoDB supports several programming languages. For example, C, C++, Go, Java, Node, Python, Rust, Scala, Swift, etc.

  • MongoDB is very efficient in delivering high performance due to its sharding technique. Sharding refers to the distribution of data across multiple machines. MongoDB`s scale-out architecture allows you to shard data to handle fast querying and documentation of massive datasets. Sharding begins at the collection level while distributing data in a MongoDB cluster.

Beginners with Source Code for Practice

Beginner Level: Develop a Football Statistics App

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In this mongodb project

  • develop a prototype for a Football statistics app that stores information about Football player profiles.
    • The application stores information about player scores, personal details, etc.
  • utilize PHP to make a connection with a database in MongoDB Atlas.
    • To connect, you need to use the MongoDB PHP driver.
  • To obtain relevant data, use Kaggle or FifaIndex and begin by creating a data or web crawler (a bot to search and index on the web) to feed data into the MongoDB database.

  • After crawling, use Geo and gridFS querying in addition to normal querying to make it a full-stack app.

  • host the prototype on Heroku and deploy it on GitHub.

  • In this full-stack project, learn about MongoDB`s representation and querying techniques to develop a full-stack web app. It will be a worthwhile project for users who wish to learn MongoDB basics and documentation techniques.

Create a Project for Product Catalog Management

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  • E-commerce enterprises need a product catalog to store a lot of information, including product availability, pricing, shipping details, discount offers, etc., with different attributes.

  • Product catalog applications consolidate data in files from multiple sources and present it in a customized manner. Active database deployments like MongoDB are familiar data sources for fetching product catalog information.

In this project

  • build a product catalog management system using the MongoDB Atlas organization.
  • Develop a schema design enabling product search on data stored in MongoDB Atlas via Solr (search platform on Apache) and ElasticSearch, open-source analytics, and search solutions.
  • Set up Solr to index documents and install ElasticSearch to enable full-text search.

Build a REST API with Node, Express, and MongoDB

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  • API is a pre-defined instance of communication between the database management system and the front end. All websites use APIs (application programming interfaces) to bring applications together to perform specific tasks around sharing and executing processes. They work as a middleman between business applications and target customers.

In this project

  • create a REST (representational state transfer) API using Node.js and Express backend with a MongoDB database. REST is an architectural framework of communication between systems on the web.

  • build the API endpoints to perform the following functions:

    • GET: to read data.

    • POST: to post/add new data to the database.

    • PUT: to update existing data.

    • DELETE: to remove data from the database.

  • After creating the endpoints, add the Express parser and build the database schema to connect to MongoDB via mongoose. By the end of this project, be able to build APIs conveniently.

  • Architecture to create a REST API using Node.js and MongoDB.

  • Build a REST API with Node, Express, and MongoDB

Intermediate-Level MongoDB Project Ideas

Developing a Content Management System

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  • A content management system helps create and manage content on websites without any technical tools or knowledge.

In this project, get a hands-on experience in full-stack web development and database management using MongoDB, its high-end features, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and Node.

  • begin by specifying the MongoDB schema design, setting up dependencies,

  • querying, and indexing.

  • After designing the schema, create a Node.js application server and a configuration file for the application.

  • Finally, add the modules for specific functions you want your CMS to perform, using MongoDB shell, a JavaScript command line interface that lets your interact with MongoDB instances.

  • Traditional relational database technologies are not very efficient in content management. However, with MongoDB, users can incorporate all data types and metadata while building robust web applications.

Create a Project for LDAP Authorization

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  • An authentication system is handy for authenticating people in events and granting them access without manually approving them.

  • Authenticating and profiling users for lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP) is one of the most functional use cases of the MongoDB server.

  • MongoDB supports querying on LDAP servers and maps distinguished names of each group to roles (or privileges) provided in the admin database.

In this project, develop an authentication system to authorize users based on their roles and privileges.

  • To build the system, store multi-level data, including personal details, identification images, etc., in your MongoDB cluster and train your authentication model.
  • create roles, with each role matching an LDAP group Distinguished Name
  • The identification process begins when a client connects to MongoDB and performs authentication.

MongoDB Project for File Sharing System

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In this project, develop a “File transferring web application” with MongoDB and Node.js. Typically, the application has a few administrators and will provide access to large files that can be shared with specific permissions.

  • upload relevant documents in MongoDB via Mongoose GridFS, a feature to break large data files (more than 16MB) into smaller files.

  • To create the web transferring solution, install Node modules and build a Node.js application. Upload the files in Node.js API and integrate the Multer package to enable sharing. You can send the files via emails (using Express Js) or deploy the project on Heroku to access the files.

  • You can expand the script to delete files older than 24 hours from the storage database to add more amazing features.

Advanced MongoDB Project Ideas

  • Working on advanced projects will give you an edge in web development and related skills. Such projects will enhance your MongoDB skills and acquaint you with several critical real-world use cases.

Developing a Habit-Tracking App

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  • Habit tracking applications help users track how well they abide by their daily, weekly, and monthly habits. They visually represent your progress and failure in following a habit. Users can utilize this data for self-analysis of their lifestyle.

In this project, create a full-stack habit-tracking web application using the MongoDB database, Node.js, and Express for the backend. use Handlebars (a template engine), Bootstrap, and CSS to style the front end.

  • You can also extend the application code to enhance calendar functionality to store tasks and due dates. Use the search icon in the navigation bar to fetch details about the scheduled tasks.

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Create a Project to Fetch and Stream Data

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In this project, integrate MongoDB and PubNub to build a web application for updating real-time stock market and pricing data.

  • set up the MongoDB server and a suitable data format like CSV or JSON.

  • Since the data will have different values, you must simulate stock indices at random intervals with arbitrary values.

  • Refer to repo to generate random price indices.

  • Ultimately, broadcast and handle client requests via PubNub channels. Based on historical data, the app will present a trend chart of the prices on the result page.

Build an Online Radio Station App

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  • The growing popularity of radio stations presents a window of opportunity for several enterprises to stand out. The upsides only increase when you create your radio broadcasting software.

In this project, create an online radio station with your choice of features and MongoDB databases for API development.

  • select a PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) and use it with AWS Elastic Beanstalk, a cloud infrastructure to manage networking, operating systems, and runtime environment for your project.

  • For the backend, use the Node.js framework for app development as it is very convenient and based on JavaScript.

  • Once you finalize the technology stack, MongoDB API can provision basic core features to your radio station application.

Create a Chat Application with the MERN Stack

  • Most communications happen online via social media networking or by sending and receiving real-time messages at no particular hour. Chat applications enable users to engage with distant people via lively interactions and custom messaging features as if they were in person. They also enable customers to give feedback and business owners to learn about customer stories.

In this project, create a chatting application using the MERN stack with JavaScript alone.

  • The MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express, React.js, and Node.js) is a collection of technologies for app development.

  • set up the necessary files and structure your project. After setting up, you must create a login page and registration endpoint.

  • Use JWT (JSON web tokens) to authorize and create virtual chatrooms. Once you have created chatrooms, design the UI with React and link it to the backend for Login and Registration.

  • The MERN Stack Framework

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