
BigData - Apache Hadoop

Apache Hadoop


Doug Cutting: Lucene -> Nutch

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Doug Cutting + Yahoo: -> Hadoop: NDFS + MapReduce

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data process become a problem

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  • comsisted of 3 components

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Hadoop 核心

HDFS + MapReduce Screen Shot 2022-04-17 at 16.20.47

HDFS - Storage unit

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  • replication
  • fault-tolerant

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  • Apache Hadoop
    • an open source framework for big data.
    • It is based on the MapReduce programming model which Google invented and published.
      • "Map function"
        • runs in parallel with a massive dataset to produce intermediate results.
      • "Reduce function"
        • builds a final result set based on all those intermediate results.
    • The term “Hadoop” is often used informally to encompass Apache Hadoop itself, and related projects such as Apache Spark, Apache Pig, and Apache Hive.

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  • use by a lot of big company
    • Data warehousing
    • recommendation system
    • fraud detection

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