
GCP - Big Data

Big Data

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Google Cloud Big Data Platform

  • help transform the business and user experiences with meaningful data insights.
  • an Integrated Serverless Platform.
    • Serverless, no worry about provisioning Compute Instances to run the jobs.
      • The services are fully managed
    • pay only for the resources you consume.
    • The platform is integrated
      • so GCP data services work together to help create custom solutions.
  • Apache Hadoop
    • an open source framework for big data.
    • It is based on the MapReduce programming model which Google invented and published.
      • "Map function"
        • runs in parallel with a massive dataset to produce intermediate results.
      • "Reduce function"
        • builds a final result set based on all those intermediate results.
    • The term “Hadoop” is often used informally to encompass Apache Hadoop itself, and related projects such as Apache Spark, Apache Pig, and Apache Hive.

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Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Cloud publishers/subscribers

  • simple, reliable, scalable foundation for stream analytics.
    • foundation for Dataflow streaming
  • Analyzing streaming data
  • use for IoT applications
  • decoupled systems

    , and scale independently.

    • offers on-demand scalability to one million messages per second and beyond.
  • support many-to-many asynchronous messaging service.
    • Push notifications for cloud-based applications
    • let independent applications send and receive messages.
    • Applications can publish messages in Pub/Sub
    • and one or more subscribers receive them.
  • builds on the same technology Google uses internally.
    • connect applications across Google cloud platform
    • push/pull between Compute Engine and App
    • works well with applications built on GCP’s Compute Platforms.
    • when analyzing streaming data, Cloud Dataflow is a natural pairing with Pub/Sub.
  • Receiving messages doesn’t have to be synchronous.
    • That’s what makes Pub/Sub great for decoupling systems.
    • It’s designed to provide “at least once” delivery at low latency.
      • a small chance some messages might be delivered more than once.
    • keep this in mind when you write your application.
  • You just choose the quota you want.

  • an important building block for data ingestion in Dataflow
    • for applications where data arrives at high and unpredictable rates,
    • like Internet of Things systems, marketing analytics
  • application components make push/pull subsciptions to topics
    • configure subscribers to receive messages on a push or pull basis.
    • get notified when new messages arrive for them
    • or check for new messages at intervals.
  • includes supports for offline consumers


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Cloud BigQuery

  • if data needs to run more in the way of exploring a vast sea of data.
    • instead of a dynamic pipeline
  • fully-managed, petabyte-scale, low-cost data analytics warehouse
    • no infrastructure to manage
    • no cluster maintencance is required
    • focus on analyze data to find meaningful insights by familiar SQL
  • do ad-hoc SQL queries on massive data set
    • provide near real-time interactive analysis of massive datasets (hundreds of TBs) using SQL syntax (SQL 2011)
  • used by all types of organizations
    • smaller organizations, Big Query’s free monthly quotas,
    • bigger organizations like its seamless scale,
      • it’s available 99.9 percent service level agreement.
  • get data into BigQuery.
    • load it from cloud storage or cloud data store,
    • or stream it into BigQuery at up to 100,000 rows per second.
  • process data
    • SQL queries
      • run super-fast SQL queries against multiple terabytes of data in seconds
      • using the processing power of Google’s infrastructure.
    • or easily read and write data in BigQuery via Cloud Dataflow, Hadoop, and Spark.
  • Google’s infrastructure is global and so is BigQuery.
    • can specify the region where the data will be kept.
    • example
    • to keep data in Europe
      • don’t have to set up a cluster in Europe.
      • Just specify the EU location where you create your data set.
    • US and Asia locations are also available.
  • pay-as-you-go model
    • separates storage and computation with a terabit network in between
    • pay for your data storage separately from queries.
    • pay for queries only when they are actually running.
  • have full control over who has access to the data stored in BigQuery,
    • including sharing data sets with people in different projects.
    • If you share data sets that won’t impact your cost or performance.
      • People you share with pay for their own queries, not you.
  • Long-term storage pricing is an automatic discount for data residing in BigQuery for extended periods of time.
    • data reaches 90 days in BigQuery, auto drop the price of storage.


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Cloud Dataproc

Hadoop jobs Running on-premises

  • requires a capital hardware investment.

Running Hadoop jobs in Cloud Dataproc

  • migrate on=permises Hadoop jobs to cloud
    • a fast, easy, managed way to run and manage Hadoop, MapReduce, Spark, Hive service, and Pig on Google Cloud Platform.
  • Data mining and analysis in datasets of known size

  • create clusters in 90 sec or less
    • just need to request a Hadoop cluster.
    • It will be built in 90 seconds or less
      • on top of Compute Engine virtual machines whose number and type you control.
  • Scale clusters even when jobs are running
    • need more or less processing power while the cluster is running, scale it up or down.
    • use the default configuration for the Hadoop software in the cluster or customize it.
    • monitor the cluster using Stackdriver.
  • save money with preemptible Compute Engine instances
    • only pay for hardware resources used during the life of the cluster
      • the costs of the Compute Engine instances isn’t the only component of the cost of a Dataproc cluster, but it’s a significant one.
      • Although the rate for pricing is based on the hour,
        • Cloud Dataproc is billed by the second.
        • billed in one-second clock-time increments, subject to a one minute minimum billing.
      • when done with the cluster, delete it, and billing stops.
    • more agile use of resources

      than on-premise hardware assets.

    • let Cloud Dataproc use preemptible Compute Engine instances for the batch processing.
      • make sure that the jobs can be restarted cleanly, if they’re terminated, and you get a significant break in the cost of the instances.
      • preemptible instances were around 80 percent cheaper.

Once the data is in a cluster,

  • use Spark and Spark SQL to do data mining

  • use MLib, Apache Spark’s machine learning libraries to discover patterns through machine learning

cloud Dataflow


termcloud DataprocCloud Dataflow
data sizefor known size data setunpredictable size or rate
manage or notmanage your cluster size yourselfa unified programming model and a managed service
dataflow\if data shows up in real time


  • both a unified programming model and a managed service

  • develop and execute a big range of data processing patterns
    • extract, transform, and load batch computation and continuous computation.
  • write code once and get batch an streaming
    • Transform-based programming model
    • use Dataflow to build data pipelines.
    • the same pipelines work for both batch and streaming data.
  • no need to spin up a cluster or to size instances.

  • fully automates the management of whatever processing resources are required.
    • frees you from operational tasks
      • like resource management and performance optimization.

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  • example,
    • Dataflow pipeline reads data from a big query table, the Source,
    • processes it in a variety of ways, the Transforms,
    • and writes its output to a cloud storage, the Sink.
    • Some of those transforms you see here are map operations and some are reduce operations.


  • can build really expressive pipelines.

  • Each step in the pipeline is elastically scaled.
    • no need to launch and manage a cluster.
    • the service provides all resources on demand.
  • It has automated and optimized worked partitioning built in
    • can dynamically rebalance lagging work.
    • reduces the need to worry about hotkeys.
    • situations where disproportionately large chunks of your input get mapped to the same cluster.
  • use cases.
    • a general purpose ETL (extract/transform/load) tool
    • a data analysis engine
      • batch computation or continuous computation using streaming.
      • handy in things like
      • fraud detection and financial services,
      • IoT analytics and manufacturing,
      • healthcare and logistics and click stream,
      • point of sale and segmentation analysis in retail.
    • orchestration
      • create pipeline that coordinates multiple services even external services.
      • can be used in real time applications such as personalizing gaming user experiences.
  • integrates with GCP services like CLoud storage, cloud Pub/Sub, BigQuery, and Bigtable
    • Open source Java and Python SDKs


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cloud composer

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data fustion

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Cloud Datalab

Scientists have long used lab notebooks to organize their thoughts and explore their data.

  • For data science, the lab notebook metaphor works really well
    • because it feels natural to intersperse data analysis with comments about their results.
  • A popular environment for hosting those is Project Jupyter.
    • create and maintain web-based notebooks containing Python code
    • and run that code interactively and view the results.

Cloud Datalab

  • offers interactive data exploration
    • interactive tool for large-scale data exploration, transformation, analysis, and visulization
  • integrated, open sourse
    • build on Jupyter (formerly IPython)
  • It’s integrated with BigQuery, Compute Engine, and Cloud Storage
    • so access data doesn’t run into authentication hassles.
    • analyze data in BigQuery, Compute Engine, and Cloud Storage using python, SQL, and Javascript
    • easily deploy models to BigQuery
  • Cloud Datalab takes the management work out of this natural technique.
    • It runs in a Compute Engine virtual machine.
  • To get started
    • specify the virtual machine type
    • what GCP region it should run in.
    • When it launches
      • it presents an interactive Python environment
      • it orchestrates multiple GCP services automatically, so can focus on exploring the data.
  • only pay for the resources you use.
    • no additional charge for Datalab itself.
  • When you’re up and running, visualize your data with Google Charts or map plot line and because there’s a vibrant interactive Python community, you can learn from published notebooks.

  • existing packages for statistics, machine learning, and so on.


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