
Meow's CyberAttack - Application/Server Attacks - DDos Dos - SYN Flood Attacks

Meow’s CyberAttack - Application/Server Attacks - DDos Dos - SYN Flood Attacks

book: Security+ 7th

SYN Flood Attacks

  • a common attack used against servers on the Internet.

  • Easy to launch, difficult to stop, can cause significant problems.

  • disrupts the TCP handshake process and can prevent legitimate clients from connecting.

  • TCP sessions use a three-way handshake when establishing a session.

    • 2 systems normally start a TCP session by exchanging three packets in a TCP handshake.

    • Example:

    • when a client establishes a session with a server, it takes the following steps:

      1. The client sends a SYN (synchronize) packet to the server.
      2. The server responds with a SYN/ACK (synchronize/acknowledge) packet.
      3. The client completes the handshake by sending an ACK (acknowledge) packet.
      4. After establishing the session, the two systems exchange data.


  • the attacker never completes the handshake by sending the ACK packet.

  • the attacker sends a barrage of SYN packets, leaving the server with multiple half-open connections.

    • server一旦接收到SYN包就需要为即将建立的TCP连接分配TCB(Transmission Control Block),并进入half-open状态

    • 由于最多可开启的半开连接个数是一定的,受内存限制,当半开连接的个数过多,就会消耗掉可用的内存,使得新的正常的连接请求不能被处理。此时victim对server进行访问,建立TCP连接的请求就不能被正常处理。

    • half-open connections can consume resources and can actually crash.

  • More often, the server limits the number of these half-open connections.
    • Once the limit is reached, the server won’t accept any new connections, blocking connections from legitimate users.
  • example:

    • Linux: support iptables command: set a threshold for SYN packets, blocking them after the threshold is set.

    • prevents the SYN flood attack from crashing the system, but also denies service to legitimate clients.

  • Attackers can launch SYN flood attacks from a single system in a DoS attack.
    • often spoof the source IP address when doing so.
  • Attackers can also coordinate an attack from multiple systems using a DDoS attack.

Protect the network

  • SYN cookies
    • 在ACK到达之前不分配任何资源。
    • Instead of allocating a record, send a SYN-ACK with a carefully constructed sequence number generated as a hash of the clients IP address, port number, and other information.
    • When the client responds with a normal ACK, that special sequence number will be included, which the server then verifies.
    • Thus, the server first allocates memory on the third packet of the handshake, not the first.
  • RST cookies
    • The server sends a wrong SYN/ACK back to the client. The client should then generate a RST packet telling the server that something is wrong.
    • At this point, the server knows the client is valid and will now accept incoming connections from that client normally
  • Stack Tweaking 拧
    • TCP stacks can be tweaked in order to reduce the effect of SYN floods.
    • Reduce the timeout before a stack frees up the memory

      allocated for a connection

  • Micro Blocks
    • Instead of allocating a complete connection,
    • simply allocate a micro record of 16-bytes for the incoming SYN object


  • TCP的校验和计算IP头部的校验和计算 方法是一致的,但是覆盖的数据范围不一样。
    • TCP校验和覆盖TCP首部和TCP数据,
    • IP首部中的校验和只覆盖IP的头部。
    • TCP的校验和是必需的,而UDP的校验和是可选的。
    • TCP和UDP计算校验和时,都要加上一个12字节的伪首部。
    • 伪首部包含:源IP地址、目的IP地址、保留字节(置0)、传输层协议号(TCP是6)、TCP报文长度(报头+数据)。
    • 伪首部是为了增加TCP校验和的检错能力:如检查TCP的源和目的IP地址、传输层协议等。
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