
Meow's CyberAttack - Application/Server Attacks - Replay Attacks


  • S+ 7th ch9

Meow’s CyberAttack - Application/Server Attacks - Replay Attacks

Replay Attacks

Replay attacks: becoming quite common

  • a kind of access or modification attack.

  • occur when information is captured over a network. The attacker capture the information and replay it later .

  • also occur with security certificates from systems

    • the attacker will have all of the rights and privileges from the original certificate.

    • This is the primary reason that most certificates contain a unique session identifier and a time stamp.

      • If the certificate has expired, it will be rejected,

      • and an entry should be made in a security log to notify system administrators.


  • Kerberos


    • the attacker resubmits the certificate, hoping to be validated by the authentication system and circumvent any time sensitivity.

    • the attacker gets legitimate information, records it.

    • the attacker later relays information to gain access.

    • Pasted Graphic 4

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