Meow's CyberAttack - Application/Server Attacks - Hijacking - Man-in-the-Browser Attacks
book: S+ 7th ch9
Meow’s CyberAttack - Application/Server Attacks - Hijacking - Man-in-the-Browser Attacks
Man-in-the-Browser (MITB, MitB, MIB, MiB)
a type of man-in-the-middle attack
a proxy Trojan horse
infects vulnerable web browsers.
can capture browser session data. This includes keyloggers to capture keystrokes, along with all data sent to and from the web browser.
- manipulates calls between the browser and its security mechanisms
- sniffing or modifying transactions as they are formed on the browser
- yet still displaying back the user’s intended transaction.
- Zeus:
a Trojan horse that has used man-in-the-browser techniques after infecting systems.
Zeus includes
keystroke logging
and form grabbing.Once the attackers collect logon information for a user’s bank, they use it to log on and transfer money to offshore accounts.
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