
Meow's CyberAttack - Application/Server Attacks - Injection - DLL injection

book: S+ 7th ch9

Meow’s CyberAttack - Application/Server Attacks - Injection - DLL injection

DLL injection


  • a compiled set of code that an application can use without recreating the code.

  • Windows programs frequently make use of dynamic linked libraries (DLLs) that are loaded into the memory space of the application.

  • Applications commonly use a Dynamic Link Library (DLL) or multiple DLLs.

  • Example:

    • most programming languages include math-based DLLs.

    • Instead of writing the code to discover the square root of a number, a developer can include the appropriate DLL and access the square root function within it.

DLL injection:

  • the malware tries to inject code into the memory process space of a library .

  • injects a DLL into a system’s memory and causes it to run.

    • to compromise the program calling the DLL.

    • a rather sophisticated attack.


  • attacker creates a DLL malware.dll, includes several malicious functions.

    • the attacker attaches to a running process,

    • allocates memory within the running process,

    • connects the malicious DLL within the allocated memory, executes functions within the DLL.

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