
NetworkSec - Layer 3 - Autonomous System (AS)


Autonomous System (AS)

AS autonomous system 自治系統

  • a network under a single administrative control.
  • Assumes the Internet is an arbitrarily interconnected set of AS’s.
    • local traffic: traffic that originates at or terminates on nodes within an AS
    • transit traffic: traffic that passes through an AS.

classify AS’s into 3 types:

  • Stub AS:
    • an AS that has only a single connection to one other AS;
    • such an AS will only carry local traffic
    • (small corporation)
  • Multihomed AS:
    • an AS that has connections to more than one other AS, but refuses to carry transit traffic
    • (large corporation at the top)
  • Transit AS:
    • an AS that has connections to more than one other AS,
    • and is designed to carry both transit and local traffic
    • (backbone providers)
  • 在每一個自治系統中,
    • 會有一個 Backbone Area 網路
      • 與外部路由網路互相連接的區段
      • 負責外部路由網路與自治系統內部其他網路的溝通,
      • 也是Transition Area。 
    • 除了Backbone Area外,自治系統中其他的網路區段就是 Non-Backbone Area
      • 自治系統中所有的Non-Backbone Area都必須連接到Backbone Area上。
  • 各個路由器扮演的角色 
    • Backbone Area 中:
      • Autonomous System Boundary Router (ASBR)
        • 自治系統邊界router.
        • 用來連接外部路由網域和自治系統。 
        • OSPF: Backbone Router.
        • IS-IS: L2 Router。
      • Normal Router
        • 提供不同Area之間的連接性。 
    • Non-Backbone Area:
      • Normal Router
        • 用於連接不同的Area,
        • 維護所連接的Area的Link-State路由資料庫,
        • 也負責轉送封包到其他的Area
      • OSPF: Area Border Routers(ABRs)
      • IS-IS: L1/L2 Routers。


  • 分辨不同的自治系統
    • 透過 自治系統編號(ASN) 來區別。
    • 世界上多個組織可以使用自己私有的自治系統編號,以便於和他們的ISP業者之間透過BGP協定連線,
  • 因此,自治系統編號又分為:
    • 私有的自治系統編號,
    • 公有並透過註冊之後的自治系統編號.
  • 每個ISP業者必須登記公開至少一個ASN,用於BGP協定。
    • ASN極重要,是等一下用於路由協定設定時辨識自治系統的重要條件, 是識別各個網路的指標。 
  • 而如何分辨公開註冊ASN和私有ASN呢?
    • IANA(Internet Assigned Number Authority) 使用16位元的長度來儲存自治系統編號(2的16次方).
      • 64512到65535之間的編號: 保留給私有自治系統所使用,
      • 1到64511之間的號碼: 公開註冊的自治系統編號

Different Routing Protocols

Interior vs Exterior Gateway Protocols

Routing protocols can categorized based on the scope of their operation:

  • Interior Gateway Protocols (IGP)
    • operate within an autonomous system (AS)
    • used to exchange routing information.
      • Link-state routing protocols: OSPF, IS-IS
      • Distance-vector routing protocols: RIPv1, RIPv2, IGRP, EIGRP,
  • Exterior Gateway Protocols (EGP)
    • operate between autonomous systems.
    • Used for exchanging routing information between autonomous systems.
      • BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) ,
      • path vector routing protocol,


  • R1 and R2 are in one AS (AS 65002).
  • R3 and R4 are in one AS (AS 65003).
  • router ISP1 is a router in a separate autonomous system (AS 65001), run by a service provider.
  • EGP Border Gateway Protocol is used to exchange routing information between the service provider’s AS and each of the other autonomous systems.



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