
AWS - Security - AWS Trusted Advisor


AWS Trusted Advisor

Trusted Advisor

  • online tool

  • offers recommendations for cost optimization, performance, security, fault tolerance and service limits

  • optimize performance and security
    • how and where you can get the most impact for your AWS spend.
    • possible reduce the monthly spend and retain or increase productivity.
    • Guidance on getting the optimal performance and availability based on your requirements.
    • confidence that your environment is secure
  • real-time guidance
    • to provision resources guid following AWS best practices and staying within limits.
    • provides valuable guidance for architecting your AWS environment and workloads,
    • but doesn’t include AWS service health information.
  • auto service, during implement ells right and problems.

  • The best practices that are available to all customers include:
    • Offers Service Limits check (in the Performance category)
      • the check displays your usage and limits for some aspects of some services.
      • Business and enterprise can use all checks.
    • Security group rules that allow unrestricted access to specific ports
    • IAM use
    • Is Multi factor authentication, MFA, available on the root account
    • Amazon S3 bucket permissions
    • Amazon EBS public snapshots
    • Amazon RDS public snapshots

5 components

  1. Cost Optimization
    • resource use and makes recommendations to optimize cost by
      • eliminating unused and idle resources,
      • or by making commitments to reserved capacity.
  2. Performance
    • Improve the performance of your service by
      • checking your service limits,
      • ensuring you take advantage of provisioned throughput,
      • and monitoring for overutilized instances.
  3. Securit
    • Improve the security of your application by
      • closing gaps,
      • enabling various AWS security features,
      • and examining your permissions.
  4. Fault Tolerance
    • Increase the availability and redundancy of your AWS application by
      • taking advantage of automatic scaling, health checks, Multi-AZ deployments, and backup capabilities.
  5. Service Limits
    • checks for service usage that is more than 80% of the service limit.
    • Values are based on a snapshot, so your current usage might differ.
    • Limit and usage data can take up to 24 hours to reflect any changes.


Within the console, you have:

  • AWS Trusted Advisor Notifications
    • stay up to date with your AWS resource deployment.
    • notified by weekly email when you opt in for this service, and it is free.
  • use AWS Identity and Access Management, IAM , to control access to specific checks or check categories.

  • can retrieve and refresh Trusted Advisor results programmatically by using the AWS Support API

  • Action Links
    • hyperlinks on items within a Trusted Advisor report.
    • takes you directly to the console, where you can take action on the Trusted Advisor recommendations.
  • Recent Changes
    • Screen Shot 2020-07-21 at 13.05.04
    • track recent changes of a check status on the console dashboard.
    • The most recent changes appear at the top of the list to bring attention.
  • The Exclude Items feature
    • Screen Shot 2020-07-21 at 13.05.58
    • customize the Trusted Advisor report
    • can exclude items from the check result if they are not relevant.
    • can refresh individual checks or refresh all the checks at once by choosing the Refresh All button in the summary dashboard.
  • refresh 5 minutes
    • A check is eligible for refresh 5 minutes after it was last refreshed.


This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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